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Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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>>> Entrepreneur

An entrepreneur must have special skills to be successful in developing his business. Here are some specific skills that an entrepreneur must have:

  • Number 1

Ability to take risks: Entrepreneurs must have the courage to take risks in developing their business and have the ability to evaluate risks appropriately.

  • Number 2

Financial management skills: Entrepreneurs must have the ability to manage their business finances well and make smart financial decisions.

  • Number 3

Skills in selling: Entrepreneurs must have the ability to market their product or service and convince customers to buy.

  • Number 4

Communication skills: Entrepreneurs must be able to communicate clearly and effectively, whether in presentations, negotiations, or in dealings with clients or customers.

  • Number 5

Leadership ability: Entrepreneurs must have the ability to lead and manage a team well to achieve their business goals.

  • Number 6

Creativity: Entrepreneurs must be able to think creatively in developing innovative and unique business ideas.

  • 11 March 2023

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Last Update: Thu, 08 Jun 23