A. please analyze the text below based narratice the structurea

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari ffaiharamadhani pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

A. please analyze the text below based narratice the structurea long time agi there were two animals surat and baya.
then they fought format the gost. baya was very angry when he knew back to the sea baya was happy.

B. change the tense ini the text into simple perfect tense ! (rewite the whole sory).

bantu jawab ya bagian A sama B​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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The text appears to lack a clear and coherent narrative structure, as it consists of only two loosely connected sentences. There is no clear introduction or exposition, and the conflict between Surat and Baya and their fight against the ghost is not fully explained or developed. The ending sentence is also abrupt and lacks resolution, leaving the reader with little understanding or satisfaction.


A long time ago, two animals named Surat and Baya had fought against a ghost. When Baya found out that they had won, he became very angry, but once they returned to the sea, he became happy.


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Last Update: Mon, 15 May 23