which we City angry Who w My mother is since

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari humairahcantik246 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

Which we City angry Who w My mother is since broke her favourite vase proud giad d Text for No. 6-10 My mother has just be back from the traditional market she brings a my taveu Do you about the water my mother has bought There's shart talk on the on An alles the statik man is in 30 length its weight Then pesThe feshed and witry are few dark and Ma seed Twee 8 What does the text tell us about WS www 18 We The writer mother The favourite Why the white like walo The watermelon that the wher's mother as best 7 How long is the writer's ww melon Thirty centmetres Fie centrs Thirteen onder Patty centres 8 Which statement notre about the writer's watermelon The leat of the watermelon is oval The watermelon is five kilogram weighty The enh of the watermelons Wars Dan Wales There are seeds inside the 17 9 ande www CA mm An ovale on the talk Which one the adjective in the en? Ova and Dud and has w DA Stak No wonder 10 The flesh red and watery The word red" tells ww b colour delicioussoal yang lengkap ada di foto ygy​
which we City angry Who w My mother is since broke her favourite vase proud giad d Text for No. 6-10 My mother has just be back from the traditional market she brings a my taveu Do you about the water my mother has bought There's shart talk on the on An alles the statik man is in 30 length its weight Then pesThe feshed and witry are few dark and Ma seed Twee 8 What does the text tell us about WS www 18 We The writer mother The favourite Why the white like walo The watermelon that the wher's mother as best 7 How long is the writer's ww melon Thirty centmetres Fie centrs Thirteen onder Patty centres 8 Which statement notre about the writer's watermelon The leat of the watermelon is oval The watermelon is five kilogram weighty The enh of the watermelons Wars Dan Wales There are seeds inside the 17 9 ande www CA mm An ovale on the talk Which one the adjective in the en? Ova and Dud and has w DA Stak No wonder 10 The flesh red and watery The word red

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


5. D. angry

6. D. the watermelon that the writer's mother has bought

7. A. thirty centimetres

8. C. the flesh of the watermelon is yellow

9. A. oval

10. B. colour

11. A. slow

12. D. the red notebook is inside the back

13. B. quick

14. B. quiet

15. D. the teacher found that one of my classmates had been pale

16. A. a dentist

17. C. spicy


maaf kalau salah

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Last Update: Tue, 21 Jun 22