When Greg went to the giant aquarium near his house,

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When Greg went to the giant aquarium near his house, he had one type of animalthat he loved to watch. He liked dolphins and manatees, but he loved whales. Beluga
whales from the arctic were really neat, but it was the Killer Whales especially that had
his heart.
For hours, from the park opening until closing, he could watch them. Their black
and-white patterned skin reminded him of a tuxedo, a penguin, or even a zebra, but on
the Killer Whales it seemed even more special. It made them stand out in the water.
Their playfulness and intelligence amazed him, too. He liked to watch the trainers
coax them through jumps, leaps, and other tricks. They talked and squawked at the
trainers. One time the trainer even got launched into the air off the Killer Whale's nose.
It was an impressive feat.
It always surprised him how fast and agile such a massive creature could be. He
always expected them to be slow and lumbering, but they were fast like a bullet, darting
through their huge tanks and exploding from the water. It also surprised him to learn
that they were actually in the dolphin family, despite their name! They were closer to
dolphins, and were more like cousins to whales.
In the park, they ate fish and other snacks, and lots of them. In the wild, he
understood why they had their fierce name. They could eat seals, sea lions, small
whales, and just about anything they could catch. Their teeth were sharp and predatory.
They were the top of the food chain - even more
dangerous than sharks.
The Killer Whales were amazing animals. They
inspired him to learn more about the sea. He thought
that some day he might want to be a marine biologist.
Then, he could learn about his favorite animals as a
For now, he'd have to settle for watching them through the tank's glass and
reading about them. However, there was always the future!

Kasih 10 pertanyaan dari bacaan tersebut

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Ketika Greg pergi ke akuarium raksasa di dekat rumahnya, dia memiliki satu jenis hewan

yang dia suka tonton. Dia menyukai lumba-lumba dan manate, tetapi dia menyukai ikan paus. Beluga

paus dari Arktik benar-benar tidak baik

Selama berjam-jam, dari pembukaan hingga penutupan taman, dia bisa mengawasi mereka. hitam mereka

kulit bermotif dan putih mengingatkannya pada tuksedo, penguin, atau bahkan zebra, tetapi pada

Paus Pembunuh tampaknya seimbang Dia

selalu berharap mereka lambat dan lamban, tetapi mereka cepat seperti peluru, melesat

melalui tangki besar mereka dan meledak dari air. Itu juga mengejutkannya untuk belajar

bahwa mereka sebenarnya Paus Pembunuh adalah hewan yang luar biasa. Mereka

menginspirasinya untuk belajar lebih banyak tentang laut. Dia pikir

bahwa suatu hari dia mungkin ingin menjadi ahli biologi kelautan.

Kemudian, dia bisa belajar tentang hewan favoritnya

1.what kind of animal does he like to watch?

2.One day, what would Greg want to be?

3.fast beluga whale like?

4.patterned and white skin reminded him of...?

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Last Update: Tue, 14 Jun 22