buatlah dialogue bahasa inggris hotel reservation dengan template percakapan di

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Buatlah dialogue bahasa inggris hotel reservation dengan template percakapan di bawah ini​
buatlah dialogue bahasa inggris hotel reservation dengan template percakapan di bawah ini​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Receptionist: Welcome to Majestic Hotel, how can I help you?

Customer: I would like to book a room tomorrow

Receptionist: What type of room would you book?

Customer: Can i please have the single room?

Receptionist: Okay i will Check, alright confirmed

Customer: What facilities is in here?

Receptionist: The customer will get a facilities

Customer: What is the price?

Receptionist: it will be $180

Customer: okay i will pay now

Receptionist: what is your name and your phone number?

Customer: My phone number is 123-045-709 and my name is Bella Handerson

Receptionist: What is your credit card number?

Customer: its 0987612

Receptionist: okay i will re-state the reservation

Customer: Thank you for your service

Receptionist : Your Welcome

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Last Update: Tue, 25 Apr 23