B. Menjelaskan Tempat Wisata di JakartaMenggunakan Bahasa Inggris​

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B. Menjelaskan Tempat Wisata di Jakarta
Menggunakan Bahasa Inggris​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Kota Tua Jakarta, also known as Old Batavia (Oud Batavia), is a small area in Jakarta, Indonesia. This special area covers 1.3 square kilometers across North Jakarta and West Jakarta (Pinangsia, Taman Sari and Roa Malaka).

Nicknamed the "Jewel of Asia" and "Queen of the East" in the 16th century by European sailors, Old Jakarta was considered a trading center for the Asian continent due to its strategic location and abundant resources.

In 1526, Fatahillah, sent by the Sultanate of Demak, attacked the port of Sunda Kelapa in the Hindu kingdom of Pajajaran, later named Jayakarta. The city is only 15 hectares wide and has a traditional Javanese port city layout. In 1619, the VOC destroyed Jayakarta under the command of Jan Pieterszoon Coen. One year later, the VOC built a new city called Batavia to honor Batavieren, the ancestor of the Dutch nation. The city is centered around the eastern bank of the Ciliwung River, currently Fatahillah Square.

The inhabitants of Batavia were called "Batavianen", later known as the "Betawi" tribe, consisting of creole ethnicities who were descended from the various ethnicities who inhabited Batavia.

In 1635, the city expanded to the west bank of the Ciliwung River, in the ruins of the former Jayakarta. The city was designed in European Dutch style complete with a fort (Kasteel Batavia), city walls and canals. The city is arranged in blocks separated by canals [1]. The city of Batavia was completed in 1650. Batavia later became the head office of the VOC in the East Indies. The canals were filled due to the emergence of a tropical plague inside the city walls due to poor sanitation. The city began to expand to the south after the epidemics of 1835 and 1870 pushed many people out of the narrow city towards the Weltevreden area (now the area around Merdeka Square). Batavia later became the administrative center of the Dutch East Indies. In 1942, during the Japanese occupation, Batavia changed its name to Jakarta and still serves as the capital city of Indonesia today.

In 1972, the Governor of Jakarta, Ali Sadikin, issued a decree officially making Kota Tua a heritage site. The governor's decree is aimed at protecting the city's architectural history - or at least the remaining buildings there.

Even though the Governor's decree was issued, Kota Tua remains neglected. Many residents welcomed the decree, but little was done to protect the legacy of the Dutch colonial era.

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Last Update: Tue, 11 May 21