Write in Passive Voice form the following sentences. • Amy

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari fikrialfian540 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Write in Passive Voice form the following sentences. • Amy wrote a letter to Dani. (Active Voice) • The citizen built a new bridge. (Active Voice) • I suggest that you apply for this vacancy. (Active Voice) Complete the following sentences: • I am ……………. A glass of coffee. • I …… many books. • Kids were playing in the garden …….. The bell rang. • I was watching TV ……….. Ann was reading a book. • The man ……….. Is talking to Jane is a governor. • The girl ………….. I met last night was pretty. • Ann will not come to the party ………… her aunty who lives in Detroit conies. • She came to my house …… she did not bring the book that I want to read.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


. • Amy wrote a letter to Dani. (Active Voice)

* The letter to Danny was written by Amy.

• The citizen built a new bridge. (Active Voice)

*A new bridge was built by the citizen.

• I suggest that you apply for this vacancy. (Active Voice)

* The application for vacancy is suggesred by me.

Complete the following sentences:

• I am (making). A glass of coffee.

• I (reqd) many books.

• Kids were playing in the garden (when) The bell rang.

• I was watching TV (while) Ann was reading a book.

• The man (whose) talking to Jane is a governor.

• The girl (whim) I met last night was pretty.

• Ann will not come to the party (because) her aunty who lives in Detroit conies.

• She came to my house (but) she did not bring the book that I want to read.


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Last Update: Sat, 10 Jul 21