what evidence support the importance of art in ancient chinese

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What evidence support the importance of art in ancient chinese

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1. Literary Arts

In ancient China, the development of literary art was inseparable from the development of writing. At first the Chinese characters were made very simply, that is, one symbol shows one meaning.  

This writing was written on skins or bamboo. It was only during the reign of the HAn dynasty that paper was found so that literary works experienced very rapid development in China. Szema Tzien, a poet during the Han dynasty, has written history books from ancient times to the reign of Emperor Han Wu Ti.

2. Building Arts

The Great Wall of China, is a giant wall built in the 18th century. and completed during the reign of the ming dynasty.

Temple building, is a place of worship sacred building of the gods. The temple in China is the temple of the god Beijingg. This temple is made of marble stone surrounded by three beautiful courtyards and in the middle there is a staircase made of selected marble stone and the roof of the building is made of three layers. According to Chinese beliefs, this ladder is a ladder for ancestral spirits.

The palace, the palace of the emperor or king of China was built very grandly and beautifully with the aim of being a sign of respect for the emperor or king. The Chinese people highly respected the emperor because he was seen as the incarnation of the gods so that the splendor of the palace was not much different from the splendor of the shrine of the gods.

Hopefully it will clear.

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Last Update: Sun, 25 Jul 21