A computer system uses passwords that are exactly seven characters

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A computer system uses passwords that are exactly seven characters and each character is one of the 26 letters (a–z) or 10 integers (0–9). you maintain a password for this computer system. let a denote the subset of passwords that begin with a vowel (either a, e, i, o, or u) and let b denote the subset of passwords that end with an even number (either 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8). a. suppose a hacker selects a password at random. what is the probability that your password is selected? b. suppose a hacker knows that your password is in event a and selects a password at random from this subset. what is the probability that your password is selected? c. suppose a hacker knows that your password is in a and b and selects a password at random from this subset. what is the probability that your password is selected?

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Last Update: Wed, 09 Feb 22