16. Many integers between 1000 and 2005 is divisible by

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari insyirahasyal pada mata pelajaran Matematika untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

16. Many integers between 1000 and 2005 is divisible by 13 is. A 77 B. 78 C. 78 D.80​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

we can use the arithmetic sequence :

an = a + (n - 1) . d

an = the nᵗʰ term in the sequence

a = the first term in the sequence

d = the difference between terms

answer :

first, we have to know, which number between 1000 and 2005 is divisible by 13. find the first term in the sequence.

1000 ÷ 13 = have a remainder

1001 ÷ 13 = have a remainder of 0

1001 is the first term of the sequence

and, we have to know the last term of the sequence.

2005 ÷ 13 = have a remainder

2004 ÷ 13 = have a remainder

2003 ÷ 13 = have a remainder

2002 ÷ 13 = have a remainder of 0

2002 is the last term of the sequence

now, find how many terms are there in the sequence. use the arithmetic sequence formula.

an = a + (n - 1) . d

2002 = 1001 + (n - 1) . 13

2002 - 1001 = 13n - 13

1001 = 13n - 13

13n = 1001 + 13

13n = 1014

n = 78

thus, there are 78 integers between 1000 and 2005 that is divisible by 13

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Last Update: Sat, 16 Jul 22