Where did the writer go on his first day?3. What

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari pertiwidivaputri pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Where did the writer go on his first day?3. What is the synonym of “coast” and antonym of “different” from the text above?
4. Complete the dialogue below with correct expression!
Jane       : What do you think about this building?
Marry    : …  It looks fragile.
5. Bora’s height is 160 cm, Ira’s height is 180 cm, Tamara’s height is 180 cm, and Tomy’s height is 190 cm.
Bora’s height is … in the class.
Tamara’s height is … than Bora.
Tommy’s height is … in the class.​
Where did the writer go on his first day?3. What is the synonym of “coast” and antonym of “different” from the text above?4. Complete the dialogue below with correct expression!Jane       : What do you think about this building?Marry    : …  It looks fragile.5. Bora’s height is 160 cm, Ira’s height is 180 cm, Tamara’s height is 180 cm, and Tomy’s height is 190 cm.Bora’s height is … in the class.Tamara’s height is … than Bora.Tommy’s height is … in the class.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Bora’s height is 160 cm, Ira’s height is 180 cm, Tamara’s height is 180 cm, and Tomy’s height is 190 cm.

Bora’s height is … in the class.

Tamara’s height is … than Bora.

Tommy’s height is … in the class.

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Last Update: Thu, 01 Jun 23