Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari timurmartapura33 pada mata pelajaran Matematika untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas


Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

The result of the expression (4c+8d-3e)-(6c+2d-2e) is -2c + 6d - e. To obtain this result, we can combine like terms in each set of parentheses and then subtract the resulting expressions.

In the first set of parentheses, we have the terms 4c, 8d, and -3e. These terms have the variables c, d, and e, respectively, in common. We can combine these terms by adding their coefficients: 4c + 8d - 3e = (4+8)c + (8-3)d - 3e = 12c + 5d - 3e.

In the second set of parentheses, we have the terms 6c, 2d, and -2e. These terms have the variables c, d, and e, respectively, in common. We can combine these terms by adding their coefficients: 6c + 2d - 2e = (6+2)c + (2-2)d - 2e = 8c + 0d - 2e.

Finally, to obtain the result of the expression, we subtract the expressions in the two sets of parentheses: 12c + 5d - 3e - 8c - 0d - 2e = (12-8)c + (5-0)d - (3-2)e = 4c + 5d - e. This is the final result of the expression (4c+8d-3e)-(6c+2d-2e) = -2c + 6d - e.

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Last Update: Sun, 12 Mar 23