Alika : Hi, Tamara. You look so busy today.Tamara :

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari akunrahasia1456 pada mata pelajaran Matematika untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Alika : Hi, Tamara. You look so busy today.Tamara : Yes, I must study hard to prepare myself for the English speech contest.Alika That's great. I hope you get the best of it.Tamara : I hope so. By the way, how about your story telling contest?Alika : I haven't known about the result.Tamara Don't worry if you have done the best, I expect you'll get the announcement soonAlika I hope so, thanks a lot, my best friends.Tamara Okay girl.​
Alika : Hi, Tamara. You look so busy today.Tamara : Yes, I must study hard to prepare myself for the English speech contest.Alika That's great. I hope you get the best of it.Tamara : I hope so. By the way, how about your story telling contest?Alika : I haven't known about the result.Tamara Don't worry if you have done the best, I expect you'll get the announcement soonAlika I hope so, thanks a lot, my best friends.Tamara Okay girl.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. False,There are 2 or 1 Girl in dialogue.

2. True

3. False,Tamara is preparing for english speech not story telling.

4. False,Because she didn't know the result.

5. True,she was hope Alika will get the announcement

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Last Update: Tue, 01 Nov 22