The mass of a carbon atom is 2*10^-27g How many carbon

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The mass of a carbon atom is 2*10^-27g
How many carbon atoms are there in 6g of carbon​

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The mass of one carbon atom is 210^-27g, so to find the number of carbon atoms in 6g of carbon, you would divide 6 by 210^-27.

6g / (210^-27g) = 310^26 atoms

There are 3*10^26 carbon atoms in 6g of carbon.

step-by-step breakdown of how to find the number of carbon atoms in 6 grams of carbon:

  1. Write out the given information: the mass of one carbon atom is 2*10^-27g, and you want to find the number of carbon atoms in 6g of carbon.
  2. To find the number of atoms, you need to divide the mass of the sample (6g) by the mass of one atom (2*10^-27g).
  3. So, set up the equation: 6g / (2*10^-27g) = x (where x is the number of atoms).
  4. Solve the equation: 6 / (210^-27) = 310^26 atoms

The final answer is: 3*10^26 atoms.

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Last Update: Tue, 25 Apr 23