[Q]the prices of two socks p and q are in

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari elvinsky888 pada mata pelajaran Matematika untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

[Q]the prices of two socks p and q are in the ratio of 5:7. when the price of P is increased by $12 and the price of q is decreased by $6, the prices of two stocks become the same. find the original price of stock p​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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The original price of p is $45.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


I don’t know whether it is “socks” or “stocks”. Please re-read your question. So, I will just use p and q.

Given that the ratio of p and q is 5 : 7, we can get:

p : q = 5 : 7

q = (7/5)p     .....(i)

The price of p is increased by $12:

P = p + $12    .....(ii)

The price of q is decreased by $6:

Q = q – $6     .....(iii)

Updated prices of both p and q are the same in the end.

So, (ii) = (iii)  ⇒ P = Q

p + $12 = q – $6

Plug the value of q we got from (i).

p + $12 = (7/5)p – $6

Multiply both sides by 5.

5p + 5($12) = 7p – 5($6)

5p + $60 = 7p – $30

Substract 5p from both sides.

5p + $60 – 5p = 7p – $30 – 5p

$60 = 2p – $30

Add $30 to both sides.

$60 + $30 = 2p – $30 + $30

$90 = 2p

Switch sides.

2p = $90

Divide both sides by 2.

2p/2 = $90/2

p = $45

Therefore, the original price of p is $45.

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Last Update: Mon, 09 May 22