Establish in the South of Jakarta in 1964, Ragunan Zoo

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Establish in the South of Jakarta in 1964, Ragunan Zoo is home to around 4 Au thousands of visitors each year. It provides a pleasant park atmosphere for recreation. The wide open spaces and picnic areas offer a natural environment for refresting their mind. There are many animals kept in the zoo. The zoo also houses rare animals like komodo dragon, tigers, and orangutans which are going to be extinct if they are not protected. Besides animals, the zoo also has a lot of plants consisting of 29 ordo, 56 familia, 986 species and 47.499 species. Small wonder that Ragunan Zoo is aboa place for research and invertigation. 1. What is the name of the zoo....... 2. Where is it? 3. How old is it now ? 4. How many animals are there? 5. How many people visit the zoo every year?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. The name of the zoo is Ragunan Zoo.

2. The zoo is located in the South of Jakarta.

3. The zoo was established in 1964, so it is around 59 years old now.

4. The text mentions that there are "many animals kept in the zoo" and "rare animals like komodo dragon, tigers, and orangutans", but it doesn't provide an exact number.

5. According to the text, the zoo "is home to around 4 Au thousands of visitors each year", which means around 4,000 visitors.

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Last Update: Sat, 20 May 23