5. agus :................. i have lost your eraser? laras :

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari farhanyusuf1166 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

5. agus :................. i have lost your eraser? laras : it’s ok. no problem. a. i am forget c. i am sad b. i am sorry d. i am happy 6. annisa : why did not you call me last night? dayu : ........................ i forget it. a. i am so sorry c. good bye b. yes, it is d. how are you 7. udin : can i borrow your pencil? beni : sure here it is. udin : thank you beni :. ..................... a. i am very sorry c. good bye b. thank you d. don’t mention it. 8. lina : what is ............. ? zeni : my name is zeni a. your name c. his name b. her name d. their name 9. galang : hi, dennis. are you coming to the football game? dennis : hi, galang. yes, i’m coming to the football game. galang : ok, then. see you there. goodbye. dennis : ......................... a. bye c. good night b. good day d. hi 10. i.............. not hungry a. are c. am b. is d. do 11. linda : "hello, my name is linda. ......................................... rania : i’m rania. a. what are you? c. where do you live? b. what is your name? d. how old are you? 12. tito : azwar, this is my sister haira. azwar : hi, haira. nice to see you. haira : hello, azwar. ................... a. nice to see you too c. thank you b. i like you d. i’m fine 13. good morning, i’d like to introduce myself. ..................... i am a student of smp harapanbangsa. a. my name is max bae. c. max bae is good name. b. you can call me max bae. d. max bae is a clever student. 14. haira : hello,are you a new student? hasnida : yes, i am. my name is hasnida. haira : i’m haira. _____________hasnida? hasnida : i ‘m from jakarta. a. how are you c.what is your name b. where are you from d.where do you live 15. the mother of your mother is ..... a. grandmother c. uncle b. aunt d. sister 16. the brother of your mother is called ..... a. queen c. uncle b. aunt d. brother 17. hello! there are five people in my family: my father or my dad, my .............. or my mom, my elder brother, my liltle sister, and my self. my father is mr. rajali. he’s a teacher. my mother is mrs, kurnia. she is a nurse. my big ......... is hasan. he is a student of sma perjuangan. my little ......... is rosa. she’s still in kindergarten. the best answer for the paragraph above are? a. sister, mother, brother c. father, mother, sister bantu saya

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

im sorry

i am so sorry

dont mention it

your name

hi, galang. yes, i’m coming to the football game



what is your name?

nice to see you too

my name is max bae

where are you from



bister, mother, brother

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Last Update: Sun, 30 Oct 22