C. Write the plural forms of the noun. 1. There

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari nafaauliaizati9 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

C. Write the plural forms of the noun. 1. There is one potato. There are two 2. It is a dormitory. Those are many. 3. This is one child. There are twenty one 4. That is a leaf. These are a lot of 5. It is a wish. These are many. 6. That is one fish. These are nine 7. It is an opinion. There are many 8. That is a mouse. Those are several_ 9. This is a sandwich. These are some_ 10. It is a man. Those are many 11. It is one woman. There are seventeen 12. That is a flash. Those are three 13. It is one tomato. There are a few 14. That is one tooth. Those are fourteen 15. This is one calf. There are eight 16. It is a tax. There are a lot of 17. That is a possibility. These are several 18. It is a thief. Those are many__________ 19. That is a volcano. These are many__ 20. It is a goose. There are a lot of 21. That is an attorney. These are a few. 22. This is a butterfly. Those are several 23. It is one category. There are six 24. It is a mosquito. Those are twenty_ 25. That is one sheep. These are thirty two. 26. It is a wolf. Those are some 27. That is one stitch. These are three 28. It is one foot. There are fifteen 29. This is one piano. Those are eleven 30. This is an apple. There are many.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Untuk menulis suatu kalimat menjadi jamak/plural, kita menambahkan s/es. Berikut ini jawaban dari pertanyaan di atas.

1. There are two potatoes.

2. Those are many dormitories.

3. There are twenty-one children.

4. These are a lot of leaves.

5.  These are many wishes.

6. These are nine fishes.

7. There are many opinions.

8. Those are several mice.

9. These are some sandwiches.

10. Those are many men.

11. There are seventeen women.

12.T hose are three flashes.

13. There are a few tomatoes.

14. Those are fourteen teeth.

15. There are eight calves.

16. There are a lot of taxis.

17. These are several possibilities.

18. Those are many thieves.

19. These are many volcanoes.

20. There are a lot of geese.

21. These are a few attorneys.

22. Those are several butterflies.

23. There are six categories.

24. Those are twenty mosquitos.

25. These are thirty two sheep.

26. Those are some wolves.

27. These are three stitches.

28. There are fifteen feet.

29. Those are eleven 30 pianos.

30. There are many apples.


Plural dalam bahasa Indonesia berarti jamak. Sedangkan tunggal dalam bahasa Inggris berarti singular.

Dalam bahasa Inggris, kata benda berbentuk jamak ditambahkan s/es. Tetapi, ada beberap kata benda yang berubah bentuk. Contoh pada kata child, menjadi children.

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Last Update: Sun, 20 Nov 22