1) Why do people often face communication problems in their

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari naufalhilmi3435 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1) Why do people often face communication problems in their international activities?2) Which one might have more problems in their international activities, Vietnamese or Indonesians? Why?
3) As one of the Indonesia's citizens, what would you advise to your friends to improve their English ability?
4)Do you think you can learn cultural values by reading English short stories? Why? ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. The reason why people often face communication problems in their international activities is usually because of a language barrier where one person doesn't understand another's language.

2. Cited from a few websites, about 50% of Vietnamese are able to speak English which is almost twice the percentage of Indonesians which is 26%. Therefore, we can conclude that Indonesians are the ones that are most likely to have problems at communicating. This is due to some Indonesian citizens that are usually not willing to spend their time to learn English, another reason is because some people don't realize the importance of learning this foreign language. Thus, only a minority of Indonesians that generally lives in a developed city speak it.

3. I advise them to practice their vocabulary and grammar via watching English speaking movies and normalize communicating with their friends in English, for instance.

4. Certainly, by reading English short stories, we can find cultural and traditional differences from other countries (specifically the English speaking one) that might be useful for us. They include morals, literature, life lessons and more.


Ini opini saya ya kak

maaf kalo salah

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Last Update: Tue, 22 Nov 22