What makes Kuta Mandalika ha a peaceful atmosphere ? ​

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What makes Kuta Mandalika ha a peaceful atmosphere ? ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Ideal Location  

Can you conjure up a more enchanting setting for a retreat than the breathtaking palm-fringed coast of Lombok? Facing the dazzling Indian Ocean, Mandalika is ideally situated along the south coast of the stunning Lombok Island.

Fascinating Beaches

Love spending time at the beach? Go beach-hopping between the quintessential Kuta Mandalika beaches in Lombok and resonate with the mystical aura of the white sand and aquamarine water.

Surf-Perfect Waves

Surf up! Mandalika, Lombok offers plenty of waves for everyone. Head off to the world-class surf spots at Seger Beach, Gerupuk Beach, Ubrug Beach, Tanjung Aan Beach, Selong Beach, Kuta Mandalika Beach, and Mawi Beach.Pop up on your surfboards and have an exhilarating time discovering some perfect waves.

Interesting Tourism Villages

Immerse yourself in a magnificent experience as you visit the unique tourism villages near Mandalika. Catch a glimpse of the rich Sasak culture in the traditional Sade and Ende villages.

World-Class Racing Circuit

The Mandalika Circuit, Lombok, is an international racing street circuit that’s being constructed to host the world-class motorcycle racing event, MotoGP 2021, in Mandalika. With a capacity to accommodate 150,000 spectators, the venue stands out for boasting an alluring backdrop of beautiful beaches and mountains. An entertainment and sports district integrated into the middle of the circuit would be another charming attraction for the tourists coming to MotoGP, Mandalika.

Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh Hahasalami dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

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Last Update: Wed, 23 Feb 22