Allah SWT created the earth with abundance of minerals. A

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari permatasaridewi187 pada mata pelajaran Kimia untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Allah SWT created the earth with abundance of minerals. A sample mineral contained only chloride, iodide and nitrate anions. A titration was carried out to determine the chloride and iodide content. Standardized silver nitrate was used as titrant, and a silver wire immersed in the solution was used to monitor the solution’s electrochemical potential as the precipitates formed. The concentration of the standardized silver nitrate solution was 0,1 M. The burette initial reading was 1.35 mL, and the volumes at the two end points were 12.75 ml and 40.95 mL. Given that the original sample was 0.5 g, what is the percentage difference between iodide and chloride in the sample?(Ksp AgCl = 1,78 x 10-10, AgI = 9,8x10-17), (Molar mass, g.mol-1 for I=126,9, Cl=35,55) (Note: please write the answer IN NUMBER, WITHOUT writing the unit)

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Last Update: Wed, 09 Nov 22