tolong bantu jawab kak, besok mau dikumpulkan B. essay16. Read

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari marshellteknik pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Tolong bantu jawab kak, besok mau dikumpulkanB. essay

16. Read the e- mail below the answer

17 . Read the dialog then answer the question
Boni= yeah . once, one of my good friends. lied to me. He was a really good friend, and i just felt completely betrayed . it destroyed the friendship
aji= some people say friends are always honest with each other. what do you think?
boni= in my opinion friends need to ?be completely honest .on little lie and the friendship just disappears
aji= ah, tyas pretty strong language. do yo really think that?
A. can you find any expressions of asking opinion ? Mention it!
B. can you find any expressions of giving opinion ? Mention it

19. Arrange the following words into a good sentence.
Your- succes- as - winner- the cogratulation- on - contest- writing - of- the
20. Make invitation card based on the situation given
Anita will celebrate bos birth day. He invitasi his friends to attend his party. The party will be held on Saturday ,April 21 st 2022 in pondok cabe restaurant at 19.00 p.m. To make sure his friends come, his friends should confirm their attendance to Ms. Rini 0813224 255388

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

17. A. In the email, Boni uses the expression "in my opinion" to ask for their opinion.

B. In the dialog, Boni uses the expression "in my opinion" to give their opinion.

19. Congratulations on your success as the winner of the writing contest.

20. Dear friends,

You are cordially invited to celebrate Anita's birthday at Pondok Cabe restaurant on Saturday, April 21st 2022 at 7:00 PM. Please confirm your attendance with Ms. Rini at 0813224255388.

We look forward to celebrating with you!



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Last Update: Mon, 13 Mar 23