20.0 cm³ of hydrochloric acid is needed to neutralize completely

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20.0 cm³ of hydrochloric acid is needed to neutralize completely 25.0 cm³ of 0.1 mol dm-3 sodium hydroxide solution in the conical flask.Calculate the molarity of the hydrochloric acid.

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The molarity of the hydrochloric acid is 0,125 M


In this case, you can use 2 ways to solve it: first, stoichiometrically, by first making a balanced reaction and then using moles to calculate molarity (mol/L); and second, which is simpler. Use the formula below:

Va × Ma × a = Vb × Mb × b

where Va is the volume of the acid, Ma is the molarity of the acid, and a is the valence of the acid; the same goes for bases.

Hydrochloric acid (HCl) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) each have one valence. So, the calculation:

Va × Ma × a = Vb × Mb × b

20.0 cm³ × Ma × 1 = 25.0 cm³ × 0,1 M

20 cm³ × Ma × 1 = 2,5 mmol

Ma = 0,125 M



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Last Update: Wed, 29 Mar 23