The length of Mercury thread in a mercury thermometer is

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The length of Mercury thread in a mercury thermometer is 15 mm at the ice point and 63 mm at the boiling point of water. What is the temperature reading when the length of the mercury thread is 3 mm?​

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The temperature reading when the length of the mercury thread is 3 mm is -25°C.


Ice point of water is at 0°C.

Boiling point of water is at 100°C.

The temperature is measured at 1 atm (atmospheric condition as assumption).

ΔT1 = 100-0 = 100°C

Δh1 = 63 mm - 15 mm = 48 mm

Δh2 = 3 mm - 15 mm = -12 mm

So the temperature :

ΔT read = Δh2/Δh1 x ΔT1

ΔT read = (-12/48) x 100°C = -25°C

Tread = -25°C + 0°C = 25°C

Learn More

Mercury Thermometer :

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Last Update: Sun, 28 Aug 22