MADOKUMEN NEGARAUTAMASAROAT RAVICAourought to remember at least 80 percent of

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari thissahuby pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

ought to remember at least 80 percent of everything read! Reading specialists
suggest several ways of increasing reading comprehension. This essay will
consider two of these ways.
Always skimming written material first will ensure comprehension by helping you
contents first to get an overall picture of what the book will cover. Then, going
to see how the material is organized. With a textbook, try glancing at the table of
often included at the end of the chapter For a shorter piece of writing-an article
Chapter by chapter read any lines in boldface print and read the summary that is
or essay-try reading only the first sentence of each paragraph Before long, you
will be aware of the smooth and progressive flow of thought. When you have
finished skimming in this way, you will be able to pinpoint the main ideas that the
author is stressing. You will also have a rough idea of how the author is
organizing the material to support the points being made. Skimming the material
first will aid you in fully understanding the selection when you reread it later.
Another way to increase your reading comprehension is to give yourself tests.
After you read something, see if you can tell yourself the details of what you have
read Can you enumerate the points in the order in which the author made them?
Do you know the main idea of each paragraph? Could you coherently outline the
author's thoughts without referring to the text? These kinds of questions will test
your reading comprehension. Of course, you aren't expected to memorize and
then recite all you read. But if you can't answer basic questions about the
material, go back and read the selection again.
36. What is the text mainly about?
37. What is the second way to improve reading comprehension suggested by the
38. Read the following jumbled sentences and rearrange them into a good
1) She started picking up the pebbles one by one, dropping cach into the jug
SMA Suwolltara TP 2020/2021/K 13​

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Be Your Self


Tank you:)))))))))))))

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Last Update: Tue, 13 Jul 21