EXERCISE 3: find the subject, verbs, and objects in the

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EXERCISE 3: find the subject, verbs, and objects in the following. Identify the PREPOSITION (PREP) and the noun that is used as the OBJECT OF THE PREPOSITION (O OF PREP).S V O PREP O of PREP
1. Sara saw some pictures on the wall.
2. Sara looked at the pictures
3. Emily waited for her friend at a restaurant
4. The sun rises in the east
5. Sue lost her ring in the sand at the beach.
6. The moon usually disappears from view during the day
7. Eric talked to his friend on the phone for thirty minutes
8. Children throughout the world play with dolls.
9. A woman in a blue suit sat beside me until the end of the meeting.
10. Astronauts walked on the moon in 1969.
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Last Update: Sat, 31 Jul 21