cari semua passive voice di cerita ini.Last year a hurricane

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari nelddlio37ln pada mata pelajaran Kimia untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

cari semua passive voice di cerita ini.Last year a hurricane was experienced by my family and me for the first time. It was hurricane Ellen, and much damage to our property and neighborhood was caused by its fierce winds of 200 miles per hour and its heavy rains. The old oak tree in our backyard was uprooted and hurried across the roof of our house, creating a large hole through which the rain poured in. Our living room was flooded by the water, which rose to a height of three feet. When we began to think that the worst of the storm was over, we heard a loud crash and looked out the window to see that our car was hit by our neighbor’s fallen tree, caving in the roof and breaking all the windows. Having recently moved to the East Coast from North Dakota, we thought that a hurricane was little more than thunderstorm. Next time, when people in our area are advised to evacuate before a hurricane comes, I’m sure our family will be there the first to leave​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. Last year a hurricane was experienced by my family and me for the first time.

2. ... and much damage to our property and neighborhood was caused by its fierce winds of 200 miles per hour and its heavy rains.

3. The old oak tree in our backyard was uprooted and hurried across the roof of our house,...

4. Our living room was flooded by the water,...

5. Next time, when people in our area are advised to evacuate before a hurricane comes,...

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Last Update: Sun, 04 Jul 21