4. Arrange the words into a good sentence! a. English

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4. Arrange the words into a good sentence! a. English - you Answer: -you-think-what-about-do- lesson? b. what-said-do- teacher - ahasa Inggris /VIII/ Ganjil our understand - you Answer: 5. Arrange the following sentences into a correct paragrap 1) I have three cats, but I like Belang the most. 2) My name is Amarylies. 3) He is the funniest of all my cats. 4) I am a pet lover and I am crazy about cats. 5) His fur is black and he has white spots. 6) Belang is a male cat. Answer:​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


4. Arrange the words into a good sentence!

a.  What do you think about english lesson?

b.  Do you understand what teacher said


5. Arrange the following sentences into a correct paragrap

My name is Amarylies.

I am a pet lover and I am crazy about cats.

I have three cats, but I like Belang the most.

Belang is a male cat.

He is the funniest of all my cats.

His fur is black and he has white spots.

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Last Update: Sun, 20 Nov 22