Write 5 terms in the expansion (2x − 3y)⁴​

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Write 5 terms in the expansion (2x − 3y)⁴​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

The expansion of (2x - 3y)⁴ is a polynomial with the sum of multiple terms, each of them with different degrees and coefficients. The term of a polynomial refers to each element of the polynomial, it can be a constant, a variable with a coefficient, or a combination of variables with coefficients.

To find the terms of the expansion of (2x - 3y)⁴, we can use the binomial theorem:

(2x - 3y)⁴ = (2x - 3y)(2x - 3y)(2x - 3y)(2x - 3y)

= (2x)⁴ - 4(2x)³(3y) + 6(2x)²(3y)² - 4(2x)(3y)³ + (3y)⁴

So the terms in the expansion of (2x - 3y)⁴ are:

(2x)⁴ = 16x⁴

-4(2x)³(3y) = -48x³y

6(2x)²(3y)² = 216x²y²

-4(2x)(3y)³ = -144xy³

(3y)⁴ = 81y⁴

So the expansion of (2x - 3y)⁴ is :

(2x - 3y)⁴ = 16x⁴ - 48x³y + 216x²y² - 144xy³ + 81y⁴

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Last Update: Wed, 26 Apr 23