1.t is now 11.00 pm. Iriana ….. sleeping in her

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari haykalramadhan336 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1.t is now 11.00 pm. Iriana ….. sleeping in her bedroom.a. is b. Were c. am d. Were

2. I need an umbrella because it’s ……………… right now.

a. rain b. Raining c. rains d. Rained

3. Susan and Susanna …….. writing poems for an English subject.

a. is b. Am c. are d. be

4. Please be quiet. I …… trying to concentrate.

a. am b. Were c. is d. are

5. what ……. you …….. ?

a. is – doing b. am – doing c. are – doing d. were – doing

6. … Mary reading a book in her classroom?

a. is b. Was c. am d. were

7. They …… …… …………………….. a cup of coffee, but chocolate.

a. is not collecting c. is not drinking

b. are not drinking d. are not collecting

8. Why ……. your sister crying so loud? Please give her candies or something.

a. is b. Am c. are d. were

9. Is he bringing my laptop? ………………….

a. Yes, he is. b. Yes, he does. c. No, he does not. d. No, he is.

10. ……. they ……………. in a good company? Yes, they are.

a. Is – going c. Are – working

b. Am – talking d. Were – studying

11. Diana : Look! It’s snowing.

Anggi : So beautiful. This is the first time I have ever seen snow.

It …….. (snow,not) in my country.

a. are not snowing c. was not snowing

b. am not snowing d. is not snowing

12. Sally : Now, close your eyes and listen carefully.

What ………………(I, do)?

Inggrit : You are knocking the door.

a. am I doing b. is I doing c. are I doing d. aren’t I doing

13. Look at the picture.

What’s she doing?

a. She is running in a garden.

b. She was going to school.

c. She is driving a car.

d. She was helping her mother.
14. Look at the picture below.

What do you think she is doing right now?

a. She is helping the chicken.

b. She was managing her business.

c. She was packing foods for chicken.

d. She is feeding her chicken.

15. “Nina is a chef. She always prepares food at her cafe. She sells many delicious foods

such as cakes, bakeries, dishes, and drinks. Her cafe is open from 07.00 am to 10.00

pm. Now, it is 10.00 am. What do you think Nina is doing this time?”

a. Nina is closing her cafe because it is about to be bankrupt.

b. Nina is going to sleep because it’s time for break.

c. Nina is cooking and selling dishes for her cafe.

d. Nina is delivering posts around the city.

16. I ... waiting mrs. shinta here

a. Am b. Are c. Is d. Were

17. They are ... english right now

a. Study b. Studied c. Studies d. Studying

18. We are ... to your house

a. Come b. Came c. Coming d. Comes

19. They are ... mrs. Okta in the class

a. Listen b. Listened c. Listening d. Listens

20. Bayu is ... some food with his mom

a. Cooking b. Cooked c. Cooks d. Sleeping​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. a

2. b

3. c

4. a

5. c

6. a

7. b

8. c

9. a

10. c

11. c

12. a

13. (maaf gambarnya mana?)

14. (maaf gambarnya mana?)

15. a

16. a

17. d

18. c

19. c

20. a

maaf kalo ada yang salah yaa^^

Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh annieleonhart3103 dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

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Last Update: Tue, 01 Jun 21