Quiz, Geography> Why Are France's Guadeloupe And Martinique Not A

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Quiz, Geography> Why Are France's Guadeloupe And Martinique Not A Country? Explain History!


- Use English
- No Bad Answer
- No Wrong
- Use Explain

40 Point + Brainliest​
Quiz, Geography> Why Are France's Guadeloupe And Martinique Not A Country? Explain History!Rules:- Use English- No Bad Answer- No Wrong- Use Explain40 Point + Brainliest​

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In 1762, however, the British captured the island, only to return it to France under the terms of the Treaty of Paris in 1763. The British recaptured it in 1794 and occupied it until 1802; after having been captured once more by the British in 1809, it was definitively restored to France in 1814.

Both Martinique and Guadeloupe are intimately tied to the distant French metropole from which they derive their standard of living (very high, compared with their Caribbean neighbors); their defense, education, and health and welfare funding; their official language; and their Roman Catholicism

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Last Update: Fri, 13 Jan 23