Siti has been late for school a number of

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari arigf15 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Siti has been late for school a number of times. Her friends advise her accordingly so that she will not be late again.Siti : I've been late for school for three times this month because I walk to school now. My father
doesn't give me a lift to school on his motorcycle anymore.
Edo : Why?
Siti : My mom says that I have to walk to school, to avoid catching a cold or the flu. The problems
are I can't walk fast and I get tired easily.
Beni : Siti, I think you have been a bit spoiled by your father. Grow up and learn to be more
independent. Don't be spoiled. You should walk more so that you will be healthier and
stronger than ever before.
Lina : I think your Mom is right. You get sick easily because you don't move enough.
Beni : If you cannot walk fast, get up earlier so that you can leave earlier for school.
Siti : I always wake up before five to do my Subuh prayer. However, after that I have to help my
Mom prepare breakfast for the family.
Dayu: You must, Siti. Work faster, then get ready for school so that you can leave.
Udin: You can also leave at 6.30 but you have to walk faster.
Siti : Thanks, guys. I wiil try. I will learn to be a better person.

2. According to Siti’s Mom, why does Siti have to walk to school?​

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According to Siti's Mom, Siti have to walk to school to avoid catching a cold or the flu


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Last Update: Mon, 14 Jun 21