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Jelaskan fungsi dalam pernapasan untuk tubuh ayo tolong jawab dong kakak kakak ^_^​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


>>> Natural Science

  • Number 1

Respiration is the process by which the body takes in oxygen and expels carbon dioxide. This process is essential for the survival of all living organisms, as it provides the body with the oxygen it needs to produce energy and carry out its vital functions.

  • Number 2

There are two main types of respiration: external respiration, which involves the exchange of gases between the lungs and the environment, and internal respiration, which involves the exchange of gases between the blood and the body's tissues.

  • Number 3

During external respiration, oxygen is taken in through the nose or mouth, travels down the trachea, and enters the lungs. In the lungs, the oxygen is exchanged for carbon dioxide, which is then exhaled. This process provides the body with the oxygen it needs to produce energy and carry out its vital functions.

  • Number 4

During internal respiration, oxygen-rich blood is transported from the lungs to the body's tissues through the circulatory system. The oxygen is then exchanged for carbon dioxide, which is carried back to the lungs to be exhaled.

Explain: Breathing, also known as respiration, is a vital process for the body as it enables the intake of oxygen and the release of carbon dioxide. Oxygen is necessary for the cells to carry out their metabolic activities and produce energy, while carbon dioxide is a waste product that needs to be eliminated from the body. During respiration, the air is taken in through the nose and mouth, and it travels through the trachea and bronchial tubes to reach the lungs. In the lungs, the oxygen from the air is transferred to the blood vessels, where it binds with hemoglobin and is carried to the cells throughout the body.

  • 5 March 2023

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Last Update: Sat, 03 Jun 23