Q. Explain the process of making tempeh and tofu..! use english

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Q.Explain the process of making tempeh and tofu..! use english ..

Butuh temen ❤
Yang mau nemenin komen yahh

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.



1. wash tempeh

2. Dry the tempeh

3. prepare the cauldron

4. put oil

5. Put the tempeh in a skillet filled with oil

note: if you want to use flour that's okay. But in my opinion, I prefer to use flour.

6. Tempe is ready to eat


note: note: I noted fried tofu

1. prepare the pan

2. Fill the pot with water

3. After boiling turn off the stove

4. drain tofu

5. prepare the cauldron

6. put the oil in the skillet

7. heat the oil

8. After the oil is hot, add the tofu

9. after the tofu is cooked, the tofu is ready to eat


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Last Update: Thu, 02 Jun 22