 exercise 3. present perfect vs simple past. directions: use the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari andiani8677 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

 exercise 3. present perfect vs simple past.directions: use the simple past or the present perfect. in some sentences, either tense is possible but the meaning is different.

1. last january, i (see) __________ snow for the first time in my life.

2. fatima (see, never) _____________ snow in her entire lifetime.

3. i (know) _____________ greg adams for ten years.

4. a: is ahmed here yet?

b: yes, he (arrive, just*) _____________ .

5. a: i (be, not) __________________ able to reach mr. chang yet. so far he

(respond, not) ________________ to any of my attempts to reach him.

b: oh?

a: i (start) ___________ trying to reach him three days ago. since then, i (fax)

____________ him twice. i (phone) _______________ him four times. and i

(send) ___________ at least six e-mails.

b: i guess modern communications don’t mean much if there’s no one at the other


Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. last january, (see) I saw snow for the first time in my life.

2. fatima (see, never) have never seen snow in her entire lifetime.  

3. i (know) have known greg adams for ten years.

4. a: is ahmed here yet?

b: yes, he (arrive, just*) has just arrived.

5. a: i (be, not) haven't been able to reach mr. chang yet. so far he

(respond, not) didn't respond to any of my attempts to reach him.

b: oh?

a: i (start) started trying to reach him three days ago. since then, i (fax)

faxed him twice. i (phone) phoned him four times. and i

(send) sent at least six e-mails.

b: i guess modern communications don’t mean much if there’s no one at the other  end.




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Last Update: Sun, 06 Feb 22