A. What did the goddesses offer Paris to make him

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari ciaA4aci pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

A. What did the goddesses offer Paris to make him judge in their favor?1. Athena _______

2. Hera ________

3. Aphrodite_____

B. Answer the questions.
1. Whose offer did Paris accept?

2. What was the problem with Aphrodite's offer?

3. How did Aphrodite keep her promise to Paris?

4. How did the Trojan War begin?

A. What did the goddesses offer Paris to make him judge in their favor?
1. Athena _______
2. Hera ________
3. Aphrodite_____
B. Answer the questions.
1. Whose offer did Paris accept?
2. What was the problem with Aphrodite's offer?
3. How did Aphrodite keep her promise to Paris?
4. How did the Trojan War begin?

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. Athena offered Paris wisdom
2. Hera offered Paris power
3. Aphrodite offered Paris the most beautiful woman in the world

1. Paris accepts Aphrodite's offer
2. Because the most beautiful woman in the world wasn't free. Helen, Queen of Sparta has a husband, namely King Menelaus
3. Aphrodite sent Paris to Sparta and she made Hellen fall in love with Paris
4. Starting from the King Menelaus who asked the Greek warriors to help him get Helen back

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Last Update: Sun, 15 May 22