Task 7 Choose the suitable to be and verbs in

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari ikaamelia8806 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Task 7 Choose the suitable to be and verbs in the bracket. 1. Nia (is, are) not at home. 2.l(get up, gets up) at 5 in the morning. 3.The students (go, goes ) to SMP Negeri 22 Malang on foot. 4.I(am, are) a teacher and my husband ( are, is ) a doctor. 5) My brother (has, have) french fries for his breakfast. 6) 6) Penguins (live, lives) in the Antarctic. They cannot fly, but they (swims, swim) well 7) 7. Nia and Rafa (has, have) fried chicken and mushroom soup for lunch. 8. Andrea (like, likes) her English lesson very much. 9. Your shoes ( is, are ) dirty. 10. The ninth year students (pray, prays) together in the school mosque every Saturday morning. 11. Salwa (study, studies) her lesson every afternoon. 12) They ( say, says)good morning when they meet the teachers at the school gate. 13) Dini ( enjoy, enjoys) dinner with her family at 8 every evening. 14)To reduce the spreading of covid-19, banks (open, opens) at 10 o'clock in the morning. 15) Anna and Rudi ( is, are) clever students, they also ( arrive, arrives) at school on timetolong bantu ya kk):​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Rumus Simple Present:

  • I am
  • He is
  • She is
  • It is
  • You are
  • They are
  • We are

  • +) She/he/it + V1-s/es
  • +) I/we/you/they + V1
  • -) S + don't/doesn't + V1
  • ?) Do/does + S + V1 ?



  1. is
  2. get up
  3. go
  4. am, is
  5. has
  6. live
  7. have
  9. are
  10. pray
  11. studies
  12. say
  13. enjoys
  14. open
  15. are, arrive


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Last Update: Mon, 04 Jul 22