Exercise Supply some or any to complete the meaning of

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari dragon34 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Exercise Supply some or any to complete the meaning of the following sentences 1. Can you give me information, please 2. We're not going....... where this evening because we have .......... work to do 3 I hardly have money today. Can you lend me 1. Doen't he have ......thing better to do today? 5. Jack never does work. He's always trying to get ....... thing for nothing 5. Father received .......... good news yesterday, but he won't tell ........ .....body. 7. The boys ate sandwitches but didn't drink ...........milk at all. 8 One can still see horses in Jakarta streets although there not ......trams now. 9. Do you have ........... money on you? No, but I have ......... at home. . 10. There are not..........dangerous animals in the park. 11. Do of the secretaries in your father's office speak English? 12. We don't have .............coke but I can give you ............cold milk. 13. Dont worry! I'll lend you books to read because Rony doesn't have 14. Please give the man thing to cat. He hasn't had thing since early THI U. 15. Is there ...body in the house? Yes, there is always ......... body at home. 16. My sister often brings ............ friends home, but today we don't have guests 17. You must promise that you won't tell this secret to ...........body else.​
Exercise Supply some or any to complete the meaning of the following sentences 1. Can you give me information, please 2. We're not going....... where this evening because we have .......... work to do 3 I hardly have money today. Can you lend me 1. Doen't he have ......thing better to do today? 5. Jack never does work. He's always trying to get ....... thing for nothing 5. Father received .......... good news yesterday, but he won't tell ........ .....body. 7. The boys ate sandwitches but didn't drink ...........milk at all. 8 One can still see horses in Jakarta streets although there not ......trams now. 9. Do you have ........... money on you? No, but I have ......... at home. . 10. There are not..........dangerous animals in the park. 11. Do of the secretaries in your father's office speak English? 12. We don't have .............coke but I can give you ............cold milk. 13. Dont worry! I'll lend you books to read because Rony doesn't have 14. Please give the man thing to cat. He hasn't had thing since early THI U. 15. Is there ...body in the house? Yes, there is always ......... body at home. 16. My sister often brings ............ friends home, but today we don't have guests 17. You must promise that you won't tell this secret to ...........body else.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Lihat lampiran ya


some dipakai untuk kalimat bernada positif, biasanya bermakna: beberapa (untuk countable noun) atau sedikit (untuk uncountable noun, misalnya water, milk dst)

any biasa untuk kalimat bernada negatif (walaupun strukturnya bisa positif, misalnya sola nomor 3: I hardly have any money)

Dalam bentuk negatif ini, pengertian any lebih cocok diartikan: apapun atau sama sekali

Misalnya: I don't have any friends, artinya bukan "Saya tidak punya beberapa/sejumlah teman" tapi "Saya tidak punya teman sama sekali"

any juga dipakai dalam kalimat tanya, dan dalam terjemahannya sering tidak diartikan sama sekali, karena akan janggal dalam bahasa Indonesia kalau diartikan "beberapa"

Misalnya: Is there any body at home? Biasanya diterjemahkan "Apakah ada orang di rumah?

Akan janggal kalau diterjemahkan "Apakah ada beberapa orang di rumah?"

Contoh lain: Don't you have any exams tomorrow? Diterjemahkan "Apa kamu tidak punya ulangan besok?

Semoga membantu

Jawaban:Lihat lampiran yaPenjelasan:some dipakai untuk kalimat bernada positif, biasanya bermakna: beberapa (untuk countable noun) atau sedikit (untuk uncountable noun, misalnya water, milk dst)any biasa untuk kalimat bernada negatif (walaupun strukturnya bisa positif, misalnya sola nomor 3: I hardly have any money)Dalam bentuk negatif ini, pengertian any lebih cocok diartikan: apapun atau sama sekaliMisalnya: I don't have any friends, artinya bukan

Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh JRPUR dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

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Last Update: Wed, 20 Jul 22