Change the verbs in the brackets into correct!( Ubah kata

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari handikapratama01 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Change the verbs in the brackets into correct!( Ubah kata kerja dalam kurung menjadi benar )
1. My father (feed) his chicken every day.
2. She (not, come) late to school.
3. I (wash) my clothes once a week.
4. They (to be) my teachers.
5. My grandmother (visit) us twice a month.
6. The students (not, go) to school on Sunday.
7. The cat (eat) fish.
8. They people (clean) the river from the garbage.
9. (Drive) the driver the car carefully?
10. (cry) he every night?

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


  1. My father feeds his chicken every day.
  2. She does not come late to school.
  3. I wash my clothes once a week.
  4. They are my teachers.
  5. My grandmother visits us twice a month.
  6. The students do not go to school on Sunday.
  7. The cat eats fish.
  8. They people clean the river from the garbage.
  9. Doesthe driverdrive the car carefully?
  10. Doeshecry every night?


Rumus Simple Present Tense:



  • S (I, You, They, We) + V + O
  • S (I, You, They, We) + V + OS (She, He, It) + V + s/es + O


  • S (I, You, They, We) + do not +V + O
  • S (She, He, It) + does not + V + O


  • Do + S (I, You, They, We) + V + O
  • Does + S (She, He, It) + V + O



  • S + To Be (Am, Is, Are) + ANA


  • S + To Be (Am, Is, Are) + not + ANA


  • To Be (Am, Is, Are) + ANA


  • S = Subject (subjek)
  • V = Verb 1 (Kata kerja yang ke 1)
  • O = Object (objek atau boleh juga ungkapan)
  • ANA = Adjective, Noun, Adverb

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Last Update: Sat, 07 May 22