1. What does Arkan look like?A. He is fat and

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari jekibahumu544 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

1. What does Arkan look like?A. He is fat and wears a pair of glasses.
B. He is short with curly hair.
C.He is fat and short.
D. He is tall and thin.

2. When does the writer usually play PlayStation?
A. In the afternoon from 2 to 4.
B. After reading books.
C. In his spare time.
D. After studying

3. How old is the writer?
A. 11 years old.
B. 12 years old.
C. 13 years old.
D. 14 years old.

4. Which the statement is TRUE according to the text?
A. Arkan is a polite boy.
B. The writer wears glasses.
C. The writer does not like playing PlayStation.
D. Arkan always plays PlayStation in the evening

tolong ya kak jawab makasi​
1. What does Arkan look like?A. He is fat and wears a pair of glasses.B. He is short with curly hair.C.He is fat and short.D. He is tall and thin.2. When does the writer usually play PlayStation? A. In the afternoon from 2 to 4.B. After reading books.C. In his spare time.D. After studying3. How old is the writer?A. 11 years old.B. 12 years old.C. 13 years old.D. 14 years old.4. Which the statement is TRUE according to the text?A. Arkan is a polite boy.B. The writer wears glasses.C. The writer does not like playing PlayStation.D. Arkan always plays PlayStation in the eveningtolong ya kak jawab makasi​

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maaf kalo salah

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Last Update: Wed, 08 Jun 22