Fill the blanks!

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Fill the blanks!Eagle Bird

For thousands of years birds became one of the ... (1) animals in human culture. Many
people keep birds as pet, breed it, and make money from it. Some of birds are easily to breed and some others such as eagle or the other rare birds are not. People usually get the rare kinds of bird by ... (2) from the wild. This hunting activity makes the more and rarer ... (3) of some birds.

Eagle is one of them that become rare because of the human hunting activities. Eagle becomes one of the most expensive birds whether it is dead or alive. Human likes to ...(4) it because of some reason such us the feeling of being proud when he has it. In general, eagle is a big and
powerful bird of prey. It has a big and strong hooked beaks to rip the flesh of its prey, wide and strong wings ... (5) legs and talons to bring the prey from the ground to its nest.

Eagle has very good eyes which can see the prey from the very long distance. The pupils of its eyes are large which ensure minimal ... (6) of the incoming light so that it can see clearly the prey even from the high sky in a day. Eagle eats any kinds of prey which is smaller than it such as
rabbit, rat, birds, and snakes and so on. Before the eagle starts to ... (7) the prey, usually the eagie flies around above the prey to have the right moment to catch the prey. The big eagle such as bald eagle can bring the 68 kg of prey and fly to the top of the tree to rip and eat it.

Eagle is the ... (8) which is at the top rank of food chain. Thus, there is no other animal
can hunt it except human Eagle creates the nest at the top of the highest tree at its habitat. Female eagle is bigger than the male. The female only have two eggs in a session of ... (9) time. When the eggs have cracked, usually the bigger and dominant chick is the female and sometimes
the chick will kill its ... (10) in some case. Thus, the eagle is truly predator since it was born.

Bantu jawab kak​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. Most populated

2. Hunting

3. The population

4. Capture it illegally

5. With smooth

6. -

7. Eat

8. -

9. Nesting

10. Own breed


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Last Update: Mon, 11 Jul 22