• the word "flamingo" comes from the spanish and latin

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari waty1815 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

• the word "flamingo" comes from the spanish and latin word "flamenco" which means fire, and refers to the bright color of the birds' feathers.• flamingos hold their bent bills upside down while feeding. they often do it for several hours a day, so they can filter out their food while skimming the water.
• flamingos are monogamous birds that lay only a single egg each year. if that egg is lost, stolen, damaged, or otherwise does not hatch, they do not typically lay a replacement.
• parent flamingos feed their chicks exclusively crop milk for 5-12 days after hatching.
• when flying in a flock, the top speed of a flamingo can be as high as 56 kilometers per hour.

work in pairs. complete the following short dialogs with suitable sentences. practice the dialogs before the class.
1. diana :
surya:it comes from the spainsh and latin world 'flamenco' which means fire.it also refers to the bright color of the birds' feather
2. diana: how fast can flamingos fly? surya :
3. diana: how do flamingos breed?
4. diana:
surya:they will not hatch an egg or replace it with a new one. ?
surya: they feed their chicks exclusively crop milk for 5-12 days after hatching.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

  1. Diana : Where does the word “Flamingo” come from?
  • Surya: it comes from the spainsh and latin world 'flamenco' which      means fire.it also refers to the bright color of the birds' feather

    2. Diana: how fast can flamingos fly?

  • Surya : when flying in a flock, the top speed of a flamingo can be   as high as 56 kilometers per hour.

    3. Diana: how do flamingos breed?

  • Surya: flamingos are monogamous birds that lay only a single egg each year.

    4. Diana: How if the egg is lost, stolen, damaged, or otherwise        does not hatch?

  •   Surya: they will not hatch an egg or replace it with a new one.

    5. Diana: how do flamingo’s parents feed their chicks?  

  • surya: they feed their chicks exclusively crop milk for 5-12 days after hatching.


Interogative Sentence atau Kalimat tanya memiliki arti sebuah pertanyaan. Kalimat interogatif mempunyai fungsi  untuk memperoleh informasi, konfirmasi atau penolakan dari sebuah pertanyaan.

Kalimat ini umumnya dimulai dengan kata tanya seperti apa (What), siapa(who),bagaimana(how) atau kata kerja bantu seperti dapatkah (Can), maukah (Want), akankah (Will), dll.

Jenis - jenis pertanyaan Interrogative Sentence

  1. Yes/No Question

Pertanyaan yang jawabannya hanya Ya atau Tidak.

Contoh pertanyaan:

May I lend your pen? (Bolehkah saya pinjam pulpen kamu?)

Are you a teacher? (Apakah kamu seorang guru?)

Does she like a strawberry smoothie? (Apakah dia menyukai smoothie stroberi?)

Is she coming? (Apakah dia akan datang?)

    2. Wh- Question

Pertanyaan dengan wh- questions ialah what, where, why, when, which, who, whom, whose, dan how.

Atau yang kita umumnya kenal dengan istilah 5 W + 1 H (+ whose, whom, which). Pertanyaan ini funginya untuk mencari informasi.

Contoh pertanyaan:

Who is the girl over there? (Siapa anak perempuan disana?)

What is the name of Kinan’s Cat? (Apa nama anak Kucing Kinan?)

Which one is your favorite movie? (Yang mana film favoritmu?)

How is your mother's condition now? (Bagaimana keadaan ibumu sekarang?)

    3. Question tag

Question tag adalah pertanyaan pendek yang berbentuk  linking verb be” / auxiliary +/- not + pronoun yang ditempatkan di bagian akhir kalimat.

Apabila Kalimat awal merupakan bentuk kalimat positif maka kalimat tanya nya berupa berbentuk kalimat negatif, dan berlaku sebaliknya.

Fungsi Question tagdipakai untukmempertegas pertanyaan.

Contoh pertanyaan:

It is Kinan’s cat, isn’t it? (Ini adalah kucingnya Kinan, iya kan?)

You remember me, don’t you? (Kamu ingat saya, iya kan?)

You have prepared anything, haven’t you? (Kamu sudah menyiapkan semuanya, bukan?)

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Last Update: Tue, 14 Jun 22