1️ Siti and Beni (be ) in a Stortell contest.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari noviadewisalwa7 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

1️ Siti and Beni (be ) in a Stortell contest.(+)

2️. Dayu ( be) the cheerleader.

3️.They (meet) some Indonesian idols.

4️. Many people ( sing) together.

5️. Edo ( wear ) his fav hat.​

contoh ada di foto ya​
1️ Siti and Beni (be ) in a Stortell contest. (+) (-) (?)2️. Dayu ( be) the cheerleader. (+) (-) (?)3️.They (meet) some Indonesian idols. (+) (-) (?)4️. Many people ( sing) together. (+) (-) (?)5️. Edo ( wear ) his fav hat.​ (+) (-) (?)contoh ada di foto ya​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. (+) Siti and Beni are in a storytell contest.

(-) Siti and Beni aren't in a storytell contest.

(?) Are Siti and Beni in a storytell contest?


2. (+) Dayu is the cheerleader.

(-) Dayu isn't the cheerleader.

(?) Is Dayu the cheerleader?


3. (+) They meet Indonesian idols.

(-) They don't meet Indonesian idols.

(?) Do they meet Indonesian idols?


4. (+) Many people sing together.

(-) Many people don't sing together.

(?) Do many people sing together?


5. (+) Edo wears his favorite hat.

(-) Edo doesn't wear his favorite hat.

(?) Does Edo wear his favorite hat?


Semoga membantu! Jika benar tolong dikasihin jawaban terbaik thank you!!

Materi & Mapel : Simple Present Tense ; Bahasa Inggris

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Last Update: Tue, 10 May 22