1. 2. Ingredients: 2. 3. Steps: 1. 23456 5 lbs

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari gshxzy pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

1. 2. Ingredients: 2. 3. Steps: 1. 23456 5 lbs lemons 2 cups water 2 cups sugar Ingredients: Cut lemons in half. Juice each lemon through a strainer into a large measuring cup. Keep juicing until you have 2 cups of lemon juice. Pour water into a medium-size saucepan over medium-high heat. Stir in sugar. Continue cooking over heat until sugar is dissolved and liquid looks clear again. Combine sugar solution with lemon juice. This is a lemonade concentrate. When ready to serve, add water to taste. edure texts below! Warm water Tea bags Sugar Steps: 1. Boil a kettle of water Ingredients: 2. Take the glass and pour warm water into it. 3. Put the tea bags in glass with warm water. Dowse and pull the tea bags add the sugar to the glass Stir the water slowly to make the water, the sugar, and the tea mixed. 7. The hot tea is ready to be enjoyed 110 g butter, softened 110 g caster sugar 110 g plain flour 2 tsp baking powder Goal: .... b. Read the following texts, then answer the questions correctly! How to Make Cupcakes ½ tsp salt 2 medium eggs 1 tsp vanilla extract Goal:.... K-1​
1. 2. Ingredients: 2. 3. Steps: 1. 23456 5 lbs lemons 2 cups water 2 cups sugar Ingredients: Cut lemons in half. Juice each lemon through a strainer into a large measuring cup. Keep juicing until you have 2 cups of lemon juice. Pour water into a medium-size saucepan over medium-high heat. Stir in sugar. Continue cooking over heat until sugar is dissolved and liquid looks clear again. Combine sugar solution with lemon juice. This is a lemonade concentrate. When ready to serve, add water to taste. edure texts below! Warm water Tea bags Sugar Steps: 1. Boil a kettle of water Ingredients: 2. Take the glass and pour warm water into it. 3. Put the tea bags in glass with warm water. Dowse and pull the tea bags add the sugar to the glass Stir the water slowly to make the water, the sugar, and the tea mixed. 7. The hot tea is ready to be enjoyed 110 g butter, softened 110 g caster sugar 110 g plain flour 2 tsp baking powder Goal: .... b. Read the following texts, then answer the questions correctly! How to Make Cupcakes ½ tsp salt 2 medium eggs 1 tsp vanilla extract Goal:.... K-1​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. Goal of produce text below is to explain and tell people the materials and steps you needed to make lemon juice.

2. Goal of produce text below is to explain and tell people the materials and steps you needed to make hot tea.


Teks Proseduratau dalam bahasa inggris dikenal dengan Procedure Text merupakan suatu teks yang mengenaiperintahperintah untuk melakukan sesuatu ataumembuat sesuatu. Dimana langkah langkah yang tertera atau tertulis dalam teks prosedur harus dilakukan secara berurutan untuk mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal dan menghindari terjadinya kegagalan. Teks prosedur memiliki banyak macam atau jenis yaitu dapat berupa petunjuk, resep, buku petunjuk penggunaan, dan rencana perjalanan.  Struktur teks yang digunakan adalah aim/goal yaitu bagian yang menjelaskan mengenai tujuan teks prosedur tersebut dilakukan, materials yaitu bagian yang menjelaskan bahan bahan yang dibutuhkan, dan steps yaitu bagian yang berisi langkah langkah pengerjaan.

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Last Update: Sun, 11 Dec 22