1.What kind of text is the story above?2.When and where

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari citranuraeni022 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

1.What kind of text is the story above?2.When and where did the story happen?
3.What problems di Snow White have?
4.What happened to her then?
5.Who came to help her?
6.What did he to do to Snow White?
7.How did they live after that?
B.According to the story above,say whether each statement below is TRUE (T) OR FALSE (F)
1.Snow White was a beautiful queen.
2.Her own mother was jealous of her beauty.
3.Snow White ran away from her palace.
4.She lived with prince charming in a forest
5.Snow White was poisoned by her stepmother
6.Her stepmother was evil
7.The drawfs helped revive Snow White
8.Snow White and Prince Charming had a happy life after that
#Tolong dibantu yaa besok hrus di kumpulin​
1.What kind of text is the story above?2.When and where did the story happen?3.What problems di Snow White have?4.What happened to her then?5.Who came to help her?6.What did he to do to Snow White?7.How did they live after that?B.According to the story above,say whether each statement below is TRUE (T) OR FALSE (F)1.Snow White was a beautiful queen.2.Her own mother was jealous of her beauty.3.Snow White ran away from her palace.4.She lived with prince charming in a forest 5.Snow White was poisoned by her stepmother 6.Her stepmother was evil7.The drawfs helped revive Snow White8.Snow White and Prince Charming had a happy life after that#Tolong dibantu yaa besok hrus di kumpulin​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Reading Comprehension:

1. The story above is Narrative text.

2. The story happened long ago, in the neverland.

3. Snow White had an evil stepmother, the queen, who wanted Snow White to die.

4. Snow White knew about the queen's evil plan and she escaped into a forest.

5. The seven dwarves and a prince came to help her.

6. The Prince gave the princess "Love's First Kiss", which broke the curse and revived Snow White.

7. After that, they lived happily ever after.

True (T) or False (F)

1. False

2. False

3. True

4. False

5. True

6. True

7. False

8. True


Jawaban dicetak tebal berdasarkan bacaan dan merupakan materi pembelajaran Reading Comprehension (pemahaman bacaan) tentang cerita narasi Snow White dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Pemahaman bacaan:

1. Cerita di atas adalah Narrative text.

2. Ceritanya sudah lama sekali, terjadi di Neverland.

3. Putri Salju memiliki ibu tiri yang jahat, ratu, yang ingin Putri Salju mati.

4. Putri Salju tahu tentang rencana jahat ratu dan dia melarikan diri ke hutan.

5. Tujuh kurcaci dan seorang pangeran datang untuk membantunya.

6. Pangeran memberikan "Ciuman Pertama Cinta" kepada sang putri, yang mematahkan kutukan dan menghidupkan kembali Putri Salju.

7. Setelah itu, mereka hidup bahagia selamanya.

True = Benar atau false = salah

1. False karena Snow White adalah seorang putri yang cantik

2. False karena Ibu tiri dari Snow White yang iri dengki atas kecantikan Snow White

3. True karena mendengar rencana jahat Ibu tirinya, Snow White pun melarikan diri ke dalam hutan

4. False karena Snow White tinggal di dalam hutan bersama 7 kurcaci

5. True karena Ibu tiri Snow White yaitu Ratu lah yang meracuni Snow White dengan apel beracun

6. True karena berdasarkan cerita, Ibu tiri Snow White jahat

7. False karena yang membangkitkan Snow Whiter kembali dari tidur panjangnya adalah Pangeran

8. True karena seuai cerita Snow White dan Pangeran hirup berbahagia di istana mereka selamanya

Semoga membantu ya.

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Last Update: Tue, 12 Jul 22