15. You see that the classroom is dirty and the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari cantikafatmara pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

15. You see that the classroom is dirty and the trash is everywhere.The appropriate advice for your classmates in the situation is...

a. Let's collect the trash and put
them in the trash can!
b. You should burn the trash so as to cause smoke.

c. We need to have more trash cans so that students can easily reach them.

d. Each student must throw away their trash in a hidden place.

The dialog is for questions 16 to 18.

Santi: You look upset, Pras. What's the matter?

Pras: Nothing. I don't want to
about it.

Santi: Come on. What's up?

Pras: Well, I've just got this text message from a guy in my class. He wants me to take a picture of the math exam paper tomorrow and then send it to
him. What should I do, San?

Santi: Well, (16) ........ That's for

Pras: Right.

Santi: And I think (17)..........

Pras : What? Tell him? I can't do that!

Santi: OK, but (18).....

Pras: Are you sure?

Santi: Yes, definitely. Don't worry. I'm sure he'll understand.

Pras: Yes, you're right. Thanks, Santi.

16. The appropriate utterance to complete the dialog is......

a. in order not to make him upset, just do it then

b. you must do it so that he won't
get angry with you

c. don't do anything but your exam
so as not to be expelled by the
d. you should ask him to buy you a mobile phone with camera since
you don't have one

17. The appropriate utterance to complete the dialog is...

a. you need to inform him about the

b. you should tell your teacher

c. you ought to help him do the exam

d. you must take the picture

18. The appropriate utterance to complete the dialog is...

a. you should tell him what you
b. you ought tell him what you
c. you must to tell him what you think

d. you need tell him what you

bahasa English kelas 9 ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


15. a ( maaf kalau salah)

16.c (maaf kalau salah

17.a (maaf kalau salah)

18.d (maaf kalau salah)

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Last Update: Mon, 21 Nov 22