Writing Task 9 Rearrange the dialogue below into the correct

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Writing Task 9 Rearrange the dialogue below into the correct order!Niken: I hope so. I have been practising it.
Doni : I know that everyone loves your voice when you sing. Hats off!
Niken: It will be held next month.
Doni: I heard you win the singing contest at school.
Niken: Thank you. Wish me luck.
Doni: Really? When is it?
Niken: That's right. I won the first place. Doni: I hope that you can give your best performance in front of the judges.
Niken: Oh, thank you so much. I'll represent our school at the national singing contes
Doni : That's good. I hope that you win the national contest. Source: idioms.the freedictio ha​

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Last Update: Mon, 17 Oct 22