4. Complete the text below based on the words/phrase given!

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari 988maulanaa pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

4. Complete the text below based on the words/phrase given! I want to te about my bedroom. There are many kinds of furniture in it. There is a ... (1) in the center. On the right side of the bed, there is a ... (2). I put my dothes in it. On the left side of the bed, there is a ... (3). I put my books there. There is a table and a . (4) next to the shelf. I usually sit there to study. On the table, there is a ... (5). When I study in the evening, I always turn on the lamp. There is also an alarm clock on my table. I set the alarm in the evening before I go to bed. It will get me up in the morninga. desk lamp b. bookshelf c wardrobe
d. bed e chair

jawab dong jangan ngasal ya​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

⌕ Halo ka! Aku coba jawab yaa ≧∇≦ !

〈 Answers / Jawaban 〉 ?╰╮

4.Complete the text below based on the words given!

I want to *tell you about my bedroom.

There are many kinds of furniture in it.

There is a d.Bed (1) in the center.

On the right side of the bed, there is a c.Wardrobe (2).

I put my *clothes in it.

On the left side of the bed, there is a b.Bookshelf (3).

I put my books there.

There is a table and a e.Chair(4) next to the shelf.

I usually sit there to study.

On the table, there is a a.Desklamp(5).

When i study in the evening, i always turn on the lamp.

There is also an alarm clock on my table.

I set the alarm in the evening before i go to bed.

It will get me up in the morning

Fyi, ada beberapa kata yang dikasih tanda * karena kayaknya typo/ kurang lengkap kata2nya yaa

Detail jawaban!


Karena setelah nomor 1, dia membicarakan tentang samping2 bednya, jadi yang di center itu bed // bed : kasur , center : tengah


Karena setelah itu, dia bilang tentang dia yang meletakan bajunya disana //clothes : pakaian , right side : sisi kanan , wardrobe : lemari pakaian


Karena setelah itu, dia bilang tentang dia yang meletakan bukunya disitu

//book : buku , left side : sisi kiri , bookshelf : Rak buku / Lemari buku


Karena dia bilang kalau dia biasanya duduk disitu untuk belajar

// chair : kursi , sit : duduk , usually : biasanya


Karena dia bilang kalau setiap sore/malam , dia selalu menyalakan lampunya // desklamp : lampu meja , always : selalu

⌗ Tolong report jawaban ini jika kurang lengkap / salah, maaf ya!

Terima kasih ! Semoga membantu! :D

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Last Update: Sat, 04 Jun 22