Febry read in the newspaper that Rizal won the essay

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Febry read in the newspaper that Rizal won the essay writing competition at the province level. This afternoon, he came to Rizal’s house to congratulate him.Febry: Hi, Rizal. Have you read today’s newspaper?

Rizal: No, I haven’t. What is it about?

Febry: It’s about the winner of the Provincial essay writing competition. Is this you?

Rizal: Yes, it is. That’s my name.

Febry: Wow! Congratulations then. I am really proud of you.

Rizal: Thanks a lot of your appreciation, my friend.

Febry: It’s a terrific job, Rizal.

Rizal: Oh no, I think it’s just luck. I wish that next year it will be your turn to win the competition.

Febry: Well, I wish so too. I will do my best to get it.


1. How did Febry know that Rizal won the competition?

2. Why did Febry congratulate Rizal?

3. What is the expression “It’s a terrific job, Rizal” used for?

4. What does Rizal wish for?

5. Which expressions belong to expressions of congratulate?

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. Febry read in the newspaper.

2. Because Rizal won the essay writing competition at the province level.

3. To praise

4. Rizal wishes that next year it will be Febry turn to win the competition.

5. Febry: Wow! Congratulations then. I am really proud of you.

Maaf jika salah.

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Last Update: Thu, 13 Oct 22