This classroom ... by the students of XI IPA5 poinA.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari difofernando8j pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

This classroom ... by the students of XI IPA5 poin
A. was cleaning
B. cleaned
C. was cleaned
D. was cleaning
9. The result of the test ....... yesterday.
5 poin
A. is announced
B. is being announced
C. was announced
D. will be announced
10. Which sentence is correct?
5 poin
A. The room is cleaned everyday.
B. The room is cleaning everyday.
C. The room was cleaned tomorrow.
D. The room was not cleaned tomorrow.
11. My ring is finally ...... under the bed.
5 poin
A. found
B. find
C. finding
D. have been found
12. Congratulation! You are ...... as the best student this year.
5 poin
A. choose
B. chosen
C. chose
D. choosing
Mary helped the boy. The passive is ...
5 poin
A. The boy is helped by Mary
B. The boy was helped by Mary
C. The boy is being helped by Mary
D. The boy helps by Mary
14. Tom opens the door. The passive is ...
5 poin
A. The door was opened by Tom
B. The door opened by Tom
C. The door is opened by Tom
D. The door is being opened by Tom
15. The text above is in the form of…
5 poin
Gambar Tanpa Teks
(A). Report
(B). Narrative
(C). Recount
(D). Analytical Exposition
16. The text tells us about….
5 poin
Gambar Tanpa Teks
(A). the Elephant’s peculiar feature
(B). useful servant
(C). strange looking animal
(D). an elephant
17. The third paragraph is mainly about the fact that….
5 poin
Gambar Tanpa Teks
(A) elephants are strong
(B) elephants can lift logs
(C) elephants are servants
(D) elephant are very usefulThe elephant draws ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


8.This classroom ... by the students of XI IPA

C. was cleaned

9. The result of the test ....... yesterday

C. was announced

10. Which sentence is correct?

A. The room is cleaned everyday.

11. My ring is finally ...... under the bed.

A. found

12. Congratulation! You are ...... as the best student this year.

B. chosen

13. Mary helped the boy. The passive is ...

B. The boy was helped by Mary

14. Tom opens the door. The passive is ...

C. The door is opened by Tom

15. The text above is in the form of…

Passive voice

Note: Gambar tanpa teks tidak bisa dijawab, karena tidak ada gambarnya


Semua kalimat soal di atas adalah bentuk passive voice

Dari segi tense, ada yang simple past tense (soal 8,9,13)

ada yang simple present tense (soal 10,11,12,14)

Semoga bermanfaat

Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh JRPUR dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

Apabila terdapat kesalahan dalam mengerjakan soal, silahkan koreksi jawaban dengan mengirimkan email ke melalui halaman Contact

Last Update: Thu, 30 Jun 22